people have considered joining the Convent
Information about the Convent
So how does one become a member of the Convent?
There aren't any real requirements. Anyone can be a Sister, Brother (those who read and write smut) or Novice(those who read smut). Mother Superior bestows names on the members (usually). Mother Superior is the only person allowed to make Honourary Novices and Brothers(Honourary members are under 18 years of age; for legal reasons, are not allowed to read or write smut for the Convent). For admission, please fill out a questionaire. After filling out a questionaire, you will be added to the e-loop, if you wish. An age statement is required unless we already know who you are;-).
The loop is now ACTIVE.
Email on the loop is very light. Stories are not posted to the loop, but rather, are submitted to Mother Superior to be archived so that the Honourary members may participate and read from the e-loop.. All stories submitted to the Convent archive must be written by Convent members. For more information on how to submit a story click here.
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Last updated 4 September 1997.