Who are you?: Name: Tracy IRC?: Yes! IRC nick: depends... but I usually go by Jubee or something like that Web page url: http://members.aol.com/JuBee100/main.html it's a constant work in progress! How many times: err...how many times what? Should I be answering this question? Submit Story: Sure thing! In another 11 months, 1 day, and 7 hours, when I turn 18! Story Title(s): Aww... now if I told you that, I'd give away my secret Favorite Character: it's a tossup between Nick, Nat, and LC...but Nunkies is currently winning =) Affiliation: N&N packer first and foremost, light cousin, NA Add to loop?: Yes Distribute to loop?: Yes Add to Member Page?: Yes Email addy: JuBee100@aol.com Comments: As Honourary Novice Exultation, I can't share smut with you all legally, sides... Mother Superior would take out that whip! but it's great fun to be here! =)